• It’s been a bit rainy this week – so rainy that J!m C@ntore might have come to town. Mostly this has been all right regarding Cabin Fever issues, although the Outsourcer was canceled on Thursday. The Wednesday Night Shift was probably the worst of the storm, with a few power surges in the office. K.Lo woke up screaming a few times, and continued to wake up on the Thursday Night Shift, still a bit traumatized and skeptical that the wind was really gone.


  • N.Lo has a night light in his room, but lately wants his door all but completely open at night with the hall bathroom lights on. Management has tried turning them off after he is fully asleep, but early-morning complaints about the light ensue.


  • PopcornK.Lo and I braved Target yesterday morning – and actually, it was basically just raining outside, and not very hard, for that matter. The store was pleasantly un-crowded, and K.Lo enjoyed some popcorn while wearing a witch hat from the dollar bin. She also asked for just about everything in the store that was shiny, cute or adorned with Hello Kitty. Her latest costume idea evolved from a butterfly cheerleader to a cheerleader witch, and later, back at the office, she practiced her best cackle and the line, “Give me back my shoes!”


  • Each morning we fuss at work with K.Lo for chatting too much and too loudly before everyone in the office is fully awake – particularly N.Lo, who with his door wide open, tends to wake up before he is ready, which then affects the rest of his work day. This morning, K.Lo popped right in to N.Lo’s room to see if he was awake, and N.Lo complained, “No, I’m not done sleeping.” Sigh. Smile


  • A main objective of our Target trip, aside from refilling the office pantry, was obtaining cake mix and icing for a birthday cake. Whose birthday cake? Benny Baby, who apparently turned 4 yesterday. And Benny Baby, in case you didn’t know, likes pink icing and Jasmine. Our office likes cake, so why argue? We lit candles and sang, too.



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1 peanuts:
  1. Beth says:

    You are such a cool mom.