The following actions, as you now well know by the end of this delightful day, are not acceptable or, shall we say, cool:

Playing in the dog water (for the umpteenth time)
Touching the Christmas ornaments with itchy little fingers
Coloring the glass panels of the French doors
Spilling Goldish crackers on floor and performing tap dance on top of them
Coloring the baby's head mauve (or any other color for that matter)

Thank you, and goodnight,
The Manager.

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2 peanuts:
  1. erin j says:

    oh please please please post pics of the mauve colored hair... please...i've been good all year... please...
    tap dancing on the golfish crackers happenes here too... please forward memo to my emplyees as well!

  1. Anonymous says:

    I too want to see pictures of the baby's head in mauve.

    I was surprised in your Christmas tree pictures that it had no baby fence, although maybe those are relics of my childhood and no longer exist. (Not that they particularly add to the decor either.)

    We have a picture of my brother hanging onto the fence wishing he could touch the tree.