As an employee, K.Lo tends to be quite enthusiastic, a real team player, with a lot of pride in her work. Mainly for posterity, I'd like to note her usual narration for a diaper change:

When approaching diaper changing area: "Diaper change!"
As Management opens container of Desitin: "Diaper cream."
After diaper is fastened, in a sing-song: "Stand uh-up!"
When pants are pulled up, shirt straightened, a very business-like: "All SET."

Basically, K.Lo has taken over for Management in letting herself know what's happening, what step we're on. Kudos, once again, to our star performer.

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3 peanuts:
  1. Andria says:

    Isn't it amazing when they start repeating the things you have been saying to them for so long? Even when you don't think about it, the repetition is important and they are catching on to the routine! Be careful, though, total overthrow of management often enters the minds of employees, especially after visits to Twoville!

  1. penelope says:

    I'm sure she's totally vying for my job. But I've got seniority, lots of seniority.

  1. ashley says:

    Love that happy little face. Too cute!