"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." -Inigo Montoya to Vizzini, The Princess Bride

Dear K.Lo,
It has come to our attention that while your vocabulary is quite extensive, at times downright impressive, there are some finer points that we need to brush up on. Specifically, please make a note of the following:
  • "Eat it." Eat it means, put the food in your mouth and chew. Eat does not mean, throw it to the dogs, smear it in your hair, smoosh it around in your hands, or dangle it over your chair like tree tinsel. Also, don't forget that eat it also includes swallowing, not spitting it back out all over the floor because you don't want it anymore. That would be disgusting.
  • N.Lo's crib. The place where N.Lo sleeps. The baby jail you abandoned months ago because you despised it with every fiber of your being? Interesting that you now think it's a super-cool place to play...
  • "Scared." As in, "I'm scared." What, pray tell, do you have to be scared of at this juncture in your career. Other than perhaps the occasional dream issue on the night shift? I am wondering if you perhaps you just mean, "I need a hug." Or, "I'm upset and I don't know why." Or even, "I plan to work in Hollywood someday."
  • "I sorry." Oh, my small employee. It is quite a nice work habit that you have acquired so early on in your career, to apologize when bumping into someone. But it's actually not necessary when someone accidentally knocks into you. Your coworkers appreciate the sentiment, though.
  • "Dammip!" You may actually be clear on the meaning of this word, other than a small "p" for "t" substitution in your pronunciation? But you really shouldn't say it. Only the CEO gets to say it, particularly when you deliberately confuse the meaning of "eat it" one time too many. (See above.) For the time being, I will pretend that you have not actually learned this word. Please be advised, however, that it would truly be in your best interest not to say it again.
  • "Daddy/Mommy!" screamed at a deathly volume. It seems as though you are appealing for rescue from either the CEO or The Manager, whichever member of the The Managerial Staff you are not currently with, and mean to say that you are in fact being tortured, maimed, and/or killed. Please. We do not practice corporeal punishment here at our office, and while you may see the administration of medicine as such, know that we know what you are really up to. Trying to take down Management by pitting members against each other will not work.

I hope that you will take these points into consideration. If you have any questions, please see me. In the meantime, I will remind you again that you are a much-appreciated member of our staff, a valuable asset to our company, and The Managerial Staff knows it takes time to learn the lingo. You're doing great.


The Manager

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4 peanuts:
  1. Andria says:

    Dellaina does the same thing - apologizing when I bump into her! It's so sweet, "Sorry, mommy!" how do you go about "correcting" something that's polite, but just not used quite appropriately?

    I do hope you keep us informed of the updates here - it will help with the withdrawal syptoms of your hiatus on The Original blog.

  1. erin j says:

    i'm so going through withdrawl... the shakes and all... though that could be the two swiss cake rolls i just downed...no no no... it's withdrawl... i just found you...
    please keep up this one. i'm not sure i can handle too much withdrawl...
    have pity on the pregnant woman... i mean you already had the kid... so obviously you have sooooo much time to blog....hehehehehe...
    elijah's been doing the spitting out of food, but i think that has to do with the chicken being too chewy and after 10 minutes of chewing said chicken... i'd spit it out too...

  1. ashley says:

    I love that K.Lo is saying "Dammip." The CEO's going to have to watch his formal addresses to the employees. :)

  1. penelope says:

    I know. The CEO's word choices certainly do need attention of their own. Although I admit it could have been worse than "Dammip," particularly after a certain incident involving my hand and a boiling pot of water at the end of a very long day.

    Don't worry, y'all. I'm not leaving the Lo. Co.