Hello from our company retreat! So far, we have gotten settled at our mountain destination, in the pleasant company of our newest employee. N.Lo is working hard on his latest project, rolling over. For the next few days, however, we expect productivity to be at a minimum. The Manager insists!

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5 peanuts:
  1. Company retreats are so wonderful, enjoy! Cute pix.

    Thanks for adding my blog to your faves, I appreciate it!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Have a wonderful time on your retreat. Getting out of the office for awhile sounds like heaven!

  1. Unknown says:

    My word, could your kids be any cuter? Love these pictures!

    You're right, ours are similar in spacing (age-wise). Mine spend the mornings entertaining each other now. I was actually sent packing this morning. Told to go into the living room, as they were playing school. Love it.

  1. penelope says:

    Entertaining each other! I cannot wait!

  1. ashley says:

    Look at little N. Lo. smiling! He's growing up so fast! *Sniff*