For sure, he can say:
- Mama
- Dada
- Dog
- Hot dog
- Up
- Bye-bye
- Fish
- Sock
- Shoe
- Hot
- Book
Have heard once or twice, never repeated since:
- Love you.
- Dellaina!
- Gumdrop
- Bailey
- K.Lo
- Snow
- No
- Mine
- Strawberry
- Pasta
- Shrimp
- Chip
- Blankie
- Go, go, go!
- Duck
- Quack
- Moo
The blended together sentences:
- I-want-that.
- I-like-that.
- Thank-you.
- I-go-up.
These all sound the same. Highly amusing:
- Basketball
- Pom-pom
- Crockpot
Can’t say, but knows the meaning:
- Go get such-and-such item.
- Close the door/drawer/dishwasher.
- Put such-and-such back.
- Get down.
- Climb up.
- Walk.
- Dance.
- Give me a kiss/hug.
- Brush your teeth.
- Hand over such-and-such item.
- Night-night.
- Banana
- Juice
- Cheese
- Bender
- Baby
- Good job!
- High five.
Understands, occasionally obeys!
- No.
- Don’t touch.
Daaang! That's impressive!