Faced with daily setbacks, conflict resolutions, unsettling work habits, inconsistent productivity, and crisis management, among other problems in the workplace, a Manager truly appreciates lighter moments, the stuff that makes this job worth it.

I like big smiles, in particular, as well as belly laughs. There is a Beatles-esque song by Matt Costa that both employees randomly love; they like the beat (good for head-bopping), and the simple chorus lyrics. I managed to snap a picture of N.Lo enjoying the song the other day, so happy he was cracking up all three of us (himself included):


I also like the “cheese” smile, and pretend naptime in the company of dollies. I love the care that went into this setup with K.Lo on the chair cushion, and Ariel on K.Lo’s favorite “Princess” pillow, which she herself can’t sleep without at night. This scene was all K.Lo’s doing:


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1 peanuts:
  1. Andria says:

    sweetness. It is good to focus on the happy, little things.