Management’s last-minute conference with the Easter Bunny led to the arrangement of these baskets, along with a line of Easter eggs leading from the employees’ cubicles to the cafeteria. The employees were pleased. (Princess Tiana was the main feature of K.Lo’s basket, and for N.Lo’s, four racecars of the Lightning McQueen variety. We *hope* they work with his race track. We will see.)


Happy Easter!



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2 peanuts:
  1. Andria says:

    ha! Dellaina got a princess doll and Wyatt got several Lightning McQueen cars as well (both bath/color changing!)! And the Easter Bunny, er, left them outside the front door and they weren't discovered until after breakfast, late in the morning.

  1. pen says:

    Aw, too funny! Great minds.
    The bath/color change thing sounds neato. These have changing eyes... I have been searching for the right cars to go with that track for months now -- it's a conspiracy!