8:25 AM Wake up at Manager’s prompting. Speed-prepare for coworker’s drop-off at Outsourcer.


9:15 AM Go to Library with Manager, choose “Puff the Magic Dragon” cartoon series – which we checked out and returned last week.


9:30 AM Pick strawberries with Manager and colleague.


10:15 AM Eat strawberry ice cream independently. Wear half.


11:00 AM Return to office, firmly request to watch Barbie in the Mermaid Tale.


1:00 PM Help pick up K.Lo from Outsourcer, give 2 big hugs.


1:15 PM Go to park with the “fish bridge,” i.e. the bridge that’s shaped like a fish.


1:45 PM Attempt acrobatics on picnic table, land underneath on face. Tongue bleeds profusely.


1:55 PM Calm down at prospect of “Popsicle at home on front porch.”


2:20 PM Finish Popsicle, deliberately squish caterpillar, causing coworker to burst into tears because “now he won’t turn into a butterfly.”


2:30 PM Prepare for bath. Make use of Employee Rest Room for the first time!


2:45 PM Partially flood rest room floor with bathwater.


3:00 PM Bonk head on coffee table. Cry.


3:30 PM Nearly fly off the couch into coffee table; saved by Manager.


4:00 PM Bonk coworker in face with Weeble Wobble airplane. Refuse to apologize for 5 full minutes.


4:15 PM Pretend to make and throw snowballs at coworker and Manager, complete with “fssssh” sound effects.


5:45 PM Recount Caterpillar Incident to CEO, solemnly echoing K.Lo’s description of “green juice” coming out of the caterpillar.


7:25 PM Prepare for Night Shift. Wear Toy Story PJs with Woody Hat. Agree to place hat on pillow, like a good cowboy.

20 Apr
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2 peanuts:
  1. somebody's mom says:

    Made me laugh!

    Clearly, working there is a full-time job with lots of patience required.

  1. ~sarah says:

    Yep, you've got yourself a boy there! : )

    What a full day for both of you! And I think I'm tired... : )