I regret to say I didn’t capture a picture this morning; however, there was so much to do! Two lunches to pack! A second backpack to fill with necessary supplies, like Pull-Ups and a clothes change. Because N.Lo started summer camp! It was a last-minute arrangement made yesterday morning, as last year’s students have priority, and the director was still sorting out attendees. But is the Manager a little thrilled about 8 hours a week to herself while the employees have some fun? Just a little bit!


Yesterday, our company managed to procure lunch boxes for both N.Lo and K.Lo, who wouldn’t wait until the end of the summer, after all. Not much of a selection, but Target had Disney Princesses and Toy Story, and at Lo.Co., that’s pretty much all you need for employee approval. N.Lo seemed marginally interested at his giddy coworker’s suggestion that he was going to preschool.


K.Lo herself had a new room and new teachers to meet, and was not thrilled this morning. She saw some familiar faces and helped pick out her own new cubby, but otherwise wasn’t having it. As I had to see N.Lo off to his room, K.Lo literally needed to be peeled off my arm, while wailing, “I want my mommy!” Heart. Breaking…


N.Lo, meanwhile, was a little fussy and reserved in the 2-year-old room, saying “NO” to all suggestions that he play with dinosaurs, pick out a cubby, etc. Then he heard about Snack Time – which, granted, would not occur for another hour at least, but N.Lo claimed a green chair, announced loudly that it was his green chair, and he wanted a SNACK. His goodbye to Mommy was pretty secondary to the prospect of food.


The Manager, sadly, didn’t have anything great to do on this first foray into freedom – most of the time was spent at an annual physical. However, the appointment was a whole lot easier without a restless employee in tow. And there’s always next Tuesday and Thursday for more appealing (and quiet) activities. And the ones after that, and after that…


At pickup, K.Lo was her usual happy self and told me all about her drawing, the bubbles they caught outside and her adventures on the playground. N.Lo, too, seemed perfectly content in his classroom. His teacher reported that he had a great day, and was only upset when he needed a change. Understandable.


Here’s hoping next week goes just as smoothly…

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3 peanuts:
  1. Alone time! Rah! says:

    Summer camp should totally be a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) eligible expenditure under the mental health category.

  1. pen says:

    The CFO agrees!

  1. Beth says:

    Awww! How old does an employee have to be, to partake of this great goodness? I wonder when my little, little, tiny, Ben *sniff* will go.