Attention all employees,

Please be advised that while you are working, The Manager needs sometimes to work, too, sans interruption. I do have business to attend to that falls outside the realm of your employment. Shockingly. All managers need an outlet in order to effectively and patiently attend to their employees, and if you take that outlet away, The Manager tends to coil tighter and tighter into a tiny little time bomb of Managerial Annoyance that will inevitably blow apart in all of our faces. It will not be a pretty scene.

Also not helping are incessantly repeated requests for anything, and/or everything. The Manager can't take it, so please stop. Thank you. That is all.

The Manager

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2 peanuts:
  1. Anonymous says:

    Vaccuuming, dishes, and laundry DO NOT COUNT as the outlet. They just don't. I hope.

  1. penelope says:

    Um, no. No way. As far as I'm concerned, those tasks fall under the realm of Housekeeping and will be taught to the employees themselves one day so they can assist. I was talking about email, blogs, and/or an ep of Project Runway? I just need, on occasion, to go to my happy place.