Yesterday, while K.Lo and I attended a multi-company celebration for one of K.Lo's colleagues, our CEO rearranged the Conference Room. This reorganization project has been a long time in the making, and now that it is finished, it's appallingly clear that our former furniture arrangement was a complete and utter trainwreck.

It is just so much better now, makes so much more functional sense. Our Conference Room is long and narrow, though not very big, but we have moved all the furniture to one end, and all of the media to the other, making the space seem larger. Socializing can take place at one end of the room, employee work at the other. Amazing that a) our company operated two and a half years with such an idiotic Conference Room layout, and b) simple changes can so drastically increase employee satisfaction. Or maybe it just doesn't take much, here at The Lo.Co.

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1 peanuts:
  1. erin j says:

    I'm so honored we got a mention in your memo. Also glad we could provide some away time so that office renovations could be done!