It was a long day at the office, one where so little and so much happened. As Manager, I feel like I need to recap some of the little bits and pieces for a) posterity and b) self-reassurance that The Lo. Co. is in fact productive, that all the minutes flying by in a blur contain something of substance.

Tasks Completed
2007 Tax Return e-filed (CFO)
Meatballs made (Kitchen Staff)
Finding Nemo watched (K.Lo)
Voice exercised (N.Lo)
Executive Suite dusted (Housekeeping)
Executive Bath cleaned (Housekeeping)
Load of light clothes washed (Laundry Fairy)
VIP phone call fielded (The Manager)
Books read, toys played with (K.Lo)
Naps taken (K.Lo, N.Lo)
Company excursions to Target and Costco planned (PA)
Several clients/colleagues emailed regarding various VIM's, or Very Important Matters (The Manager)
Exercise regimen completed (The Manager, assisted by K.Lo)
Employees diapered, fed, clothed, diapered, fed, clothed, diapered, fed, clothed, etc. (The Manager)

Also Managed To
Completely screw up the blog template on (Mis)Adventures (The Manager)
Alienate mendacious a little (The Manager)
Spill grapes all over floor on purpose while Kitchen Staff cooked meatballs (K.Lo)
Scream bloody murder while the Kitchen Staff cooked meatballs and The Manager fielded VIP phone call (N.Lo, K.Lo)

And Attempted To
Film video of N.Lo speaking up, which of course he ceased to do as soon as the camera started rolling (The Manager)
And on that note, I leave you with this, a pretty perfect summation of the day:

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4 peanuts:
  1. Ruby says:

    Manager: Kudos on a productive day

    K. Lo: So cute!

    N. Lo: Perfect comedic timing!

  1. erin j says:

    You get way more stuff done in one day than i ever plan too!! i did make it to costco yesterday and was in and out in record time. that video was freaking hilarious... N.Lo spitting up as if to say "screw you mom... I'll talk when I darn well wanna talk!" Ahhhh, the things I have to look forward too!

  1. not ever alienating! eye rolling maybe...

    also wow, you're like a real person on this blog and not just a part of my mind. it sort of freaks me out- you and that pic of klo. i'm like, do i know her? i must. she looks so grownup and yet there's something familiar there. sigh. : ) but will see you soon.

  1. what's with the blog owner approval? this is freaking me out.