*While on a company excursion to Target this weekend, K.Lo once again showcased her barbaric yawp, which I have to say in the store is just plain mortifying for a Manager. This time, however, the Regional Manager and I got her to yell, "Target!" into her hands, which was highly entertaining for us all.

*We're in the company car, and N.Lo's screaming reaches a fever pitch on the way back to the office. K.Lo comments a bit and then lapses into silence. We look back, and she's got both fingers in her ears.

*During performance reviews, the doctor asks K.Lo if she would like to go first, or if she'd like her coworker to go first. K.Lo doesn't hesitate a minute in throwing him to the dogs, answering: "N.Lo go first."

*K.Lo gives two painty thumbs up to our new office supplies, Elmer's Paintastic pens, which are washable and highly recommended by our company to yours. Considering her recent work, it is clear this employee is vying for a top position in our Art Department.

*K.Lo has been fairly compliant for months now with Staff Photos and humoring The Manager, at the very least saying, "Cheese!" even if the camera can't catch her. Lately, though, this employee's been showcasing a little attitude, saying "Cheese," in the flattest voice possible and getting right back to work as if to say, "Manager, please!"

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1 peanuts:
  1. Andria says:

    haha, love that she is taking turns with N.Lo so well and letting him go first sometimes! And Dellaina had her hands over her ears the other day, too, but it was when a loud plane went overhead, which I'm sure in such a confined space, N.Lo's screams can seem like they are reaching a comparable decibel!