Overheard in the vicinity of K.Lo’s cubicle:

“It’s raining? That’s too bad.”

“Rain helps everything grow.”

“My dress is pretty? I hope so.”

“We’re having…PASTA!”

“We’re having…GOLDFISH!”

“Hang on, Manager!”

“HI, Manager. I’m so HAPPY to see you.” [With a thoughtful smile, followed by a hug.]

“It won’t take long, Bender. See?”

“I want to help feed the dogs.”

“I’m going to let the dogs outside.”

“Hush, Bailey. Hush.”


“I’ve got a bug bite. I need Diaper… Bug Bite Cream.”

“I’ve got a scow-ratch!”

“Hi, Mister Man! Hi, buddy. How are you doing?”

[Also to coworker.] “We’re going to read THIS story. Okay?”

“That’s a good story. We’ll read it tomorrow.”

“He’s crawling! N.Lo! Come see The Manager!”

“I want to feed him. I want to feed N.Lo.”

[To CEO.] “You have a good work?”

“No, N.Lo! You don’t eat that! You know better. That’s K.Lo’s office supply.”

“We saw…birds. And what else. We saw…cats! And what else. We saw dogs and guinea pigs. We had fun at the pet store.”

“I’m going to brush my hair and look ALL pretty for my friends.”


[To the CEO, after he burped without an “Excuse me.”] “You need MANNERS!” [Okay, I might have prompted that one.]

“I want to waste water.” [Which means, turn the water on to a trickle.]

“It’s raining, it’s pouring, K.Lo is snoring… She bumped her head, and mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”


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3 peanuts:
  1. Ruby says:

    I want to talk to K.Lo! I bet that we would have a grand time. What a hoot!

  1. Kurt says:

    As long as they are getting their work done, I think it's okay if the employees talk.

  1. Andria says:

    awesome. we get those songs mixed up, too - they sound so similar. Also, something about a monkey sitting in a tree taunting the alligator with "you can't catch me!" and the alligator SNAPS him right out of the tree! The violence infused in these training materials these days!