This weekend, The Manager, who might be a little OCD herself (perhaps why it gets under my skin?) took inventory of all the office supplies. This thrilling activity may not appeal to other Managers, but I personally find the task thoroughly satisfying. Supply sets strewn across the office have been reunited for the first time since Christmas. More worn supplies have been set aside for donation. All supplies have been compiled and organized by category. I have no illusions that they will remain as such, but for the moment, it’s nice to see each item in an assigned container. And, it’s nice to know what we have. Our office is lucky to have such a wide variety of supplies, and I want to make sure they actually get used. We find that inventory projects yield better results toward this end, as supply sets hold infinitely more appeal when grouped together as they’re supposed to be.

Obsessive-Compulsively Yours,

The Manager.

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2 peanuts:
  1. erin j says:

    there is nothing ocd about this. i too love to make sure that all office supplies are neatly stcked and all parts accounted for. we rotate our supplies to bring in "new" things without having to buy anything. many times i forgot all the stored office supplies that i want to use them instead of the employees...
    anyway.. not ocd at all!

  1. We're due for some inventory over here, too. I'm always amazed that I can locate all the pieces to most everything, and I too like seeing things put back together again, at least temporarily.