This one’s long, just to warn you: it’s the entire “Dancing Queen” song. If you do stick around, you’ll witness K.Lo’s typical shot at the lyrics, a bit of dancing, a perhaps failed attempt to engage N.Lo… followed by a long lull, in which she ponders the possibilities of getting the stereo remote to work. Take a nap during that part, if you wish. The end is a charmer.


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4 peanuts:
  1. Andria says:

    Yea! I loved getting to watch so much of K.Lo in action!! Were you trying to twirl there at the end while still holding the camera?

    We have very similar dynamics in our office as well: Dellaina would be singing and bouncing around; Wyatt, you'll find him in the cafeteria chowing down every chance he gets!

  1. Kurt says:

    Endlessly entertaining.

  1. ashley says:

    K. Lo's been a dancing queen since the word go! I love it when she says, "Yeah! Twirl!"

  1. Pam says:

    I just laughed until I cried when I watched the videos. They're Great!!!