I should mention that at a multi-company meeting earlier this week, we made drums and played them with things like pencils and chopsticks. I should also mention that yes, this is just how K.Lo is, normally. And I love it.


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4 peanuts:
  1. Andria says:

    I LOVE her spunk. And getting to hear more daily conversations; makes my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Looks like serious FUN!

    I love how she copies the "doo-doo-doo." Ellie does that. (Unfortunately, only with the Elmo's World theme song.)

  1. ashley says:

    Sighs. I miss the K.Lo! Play the chopsticks!!

  1. Anonymous says:

    She's totally ready to join a rock bad as the head bangin' drummer. I love how she lines up the green piece of whatever so carefully before drumming.