The Manager had her hair cut this morning (by a professional), inspiring our company Style Department to give K.Lo a little trim as well. It didn’t come out half-bad, if I do say so myself!

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6 peanuts:
  1. Anonymous says:

    No one in my house lets me anywhere near a pair of scissors...

    You're all looking quite coiffed and fine!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Lookin' good.

  1. erin j says:

    hot momma!!! cute kiddo! not that that's different from any other day! miss you guys!

  1. Ruby says:

    Absolutely fantastic! That is just about the cutest mother/daughter picture around!

    (You are WAY braver than me, wielding scissors!)

  1. Andria says:

    how do you spell out the whistling response?

    Such a fabulous shot!

    And v. impressive indeed snipping K.Lo's locks on your own.