- Currently sleeps with: teddy bear, doll, blanket, backpack (including lunch pail), and blue soccer ball received at preschool.
- Uttered very unusual words today. While visiting another company: “Let’s go home.” And half an hour before the Night Shift: “I’m going to bed.”
- Carries (unsharpened) Halloween pencils around the house, everywhere. Mainly to have something in his hand? Uses them as drumsticks and teethers. Hopefully won’t poke out an eye.
- If not stopped, will eat crayons. Whole.
I love that K.Lo is so sentimental and a little magpie.
Funny, we attempted Art with Dellaina today, but Wyatt was much more interested in the supplies. He had colored pencils (sharpened!) in his mouth and I was digging out pieces of crayon for quite a while.