Our company hasn’t been to the beach in well, a long time. N.Lo has never been. It *might* be true that our office is located mere minutes from said beach… Never mind! The important part of this story is that we went, and it was great.

K.Lo on arrival. And she had been so excited!


N.Lo has no clue what we’re up to.


Okay, so we’re in The World’s Largest Sandbox… now what?


He took a closer look with the CEO, and said, “Ocean!” but decided against any actual water contact.


K.Lo, getting her toes wet.

Beach1.25 Beach1

Not to sure about this…


But maybe we’ll give it another try.


Yeah! Now let’s all go! Come on!


So much fun!

 Beach3  Beach5.5

And I JUMPED in the WAVES! And I RAN! And I found SEASHELLS!


N.Lo: still not sure what to think. For now.


But K.Lo has definitely made up her mind.


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5 peanuts:
  1. jenn says:

    I haven't been to the beach since I left NC, and that was in 2003! Looks like you had a great time--I'm glad that K.Lo decided to take the plunge!

  1. Somebody's mom says:

    So much fun!
    I remember when M was a little thing and we went to the beach and I carefully told her to be careful about her sandwich, most people don't like sand on their food. She proceeded to dip her sandwich in the sand and took a bite and then did it again.

  1. Andria says:

    Awesome!! Glad you all took the plunge and went to the beach, in your back yard!

    LOVE the picture of N.Lo looking out, carefully watching, contemplating, unsure, slightly concerned, curious, taking it all in.

  1. penelope says:

    CLASSIC m. I love it.

  1. Beth says:

    Oh my goodness, my son is SO the kid who would dip his sandwich in the sand.... :)

    I just love the precious K.Lo pic where she is in the carseat in nothing but her swimsuit. Adorable.