Yes, K.Lo, The Manager is watching both of you, and is often quite amused.

  • K.Lo’s obsession with band-aids continues—it’s like reward for getting a boo-boo! I get that. However, it was funny yesterday to see her all upset about a scratch on her finger that disappeared when we washed the sand off, pre-band-aid application. “Where’s my boo-boo? Where did it go?” I guess that spot of dirt didn’t really hurt so much, huh!
  • N.Lo, actually, had the boo-boo from tripping outside, and once K.Lo’s disappeared, she was all about tending to N.Lo’s scrape, which didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. He did earn his first Transformer band-aid, though, looking down at his knee like, What is that all about?
  • Speaking of earning, K.Lo was passing out stickers yesterday morning, i.e. covering herself, N.Lo, and the Manager in Halloween and other assorted stickers. Except they weren’t stickers, they were merit badges. Another Max & Ruby-ism, I believe.
  • We went the gym, or Exercise Place, as well yesterday morning, and both employees managed well enough, until just before I picked them up, when K.Lo had an accident. She is usually very good about asking whomever is in charge for assistance with the Employee Rest Room, but I guess wasn’t feeling bothered enough to at the time. Anyway, I did not have backup underwear, and so she walked to the car without, lifting up her dress as she went… oh dear. We hurried as fast as we could. I should mention that N.Lo won’t walk from the car to such places as the gym and preschool, so I am typically carrying him, the yoga mat, his two blankets and his drink. Plus the underwear, yesterday. Then, when we arrived home, K.Lo very innocently bent over to examine some flowers on the ground. Sigh. What can I say.
  • K.Lo recently disappeared for awhile in the house and returned to the living room smelling vaguely of lemons. I asked her what she’d gotten into, and she wouldn’t say, nor could we figure it out. Later, the CEO discovered a stepstool by our bathroom sink, and the top to my lip gloss removed. “Were you playing with Mommy’s lipstick?” he asked. “Yeah…”
  • N.Lo does fall a lot—comes with the age, and his genetic code. I do love the way he typically picks himself up and says, “I’m okay!” to anyone who is listening.  
  • This morning while K.Lo was at the Outsourcer, we met up with a few other companies at a new location, the splashpad. N.Lo was quite uncertain and chose to just observe for the time being, not unlike when we visited the ocean. Next time, we will bring K.Lo along and see if he feels a little more adventurous. Until then, it’s still nice to have a little buddy who’s content to hang out and have a snack while the Manager chats…

P1030362 Just looking…

P1030363Thought he might go in for a minute, but no such luck.

 P1030364 Let’s have a pretzel instead!

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3 peanuts:
  1. I'm betting the 2 emps will write too says:

    I just love tuning in to see what adventures have ensued at The Lo.Co. and I am a little sad that I don't have a record like that for my cherubs.

  1. Megan says:

    While I will say Kudos! to N.Lo for wearing pants (hee hee!), I will not say a single thing about his choice for footwear. Not one little thing...

    OMG, y'all really ARE a bunch of hippies, aren't you?!

  1. pen says:

    Ha ha ha! They're hand-me-downs, but I would have bought them myself!