After several long, at times combative, most often intense discussions re: Nighttime Protocol, Management and K.Lo, a.k.a. The Employee, have outlined the following Resolution:

1. Management agrees that one member of our staff will accompany The Employee at both bed and naptimes; Management will not abandon employee until such time that The Employee is asleep.

2. "Asleep" in this context shall be defined as a state of being in which The Employee's eyes are closed, her breathing steady, and where the squeaking floorboards upon Management's exit do not phase The Employee.

3. The Employee will not engage in any shenanigans preceding said state of "asleep," i.e. dancing, flopping, kicking, screaming, and/or requesting a slew of non-essentials, such as juice, shoes, and doll strollers.

4. In that vein, The Employee will also put forward her best effort to fall asleep in a reasonable amount of time. Here, "reasonable" shall be defined as the average amount of time it takes a human being to fall asleep, or 15 to 20 minutes, with a generous give or take of an additional 15 to 20 minutes, because Management is (probably too) kind and understands it can take some people a little longer.

5. The Employee will realize that taking more than a reasonable amount of time to fall asleep, i.e. one hour or more, is considered most undesirable and makes Management want to scrap and rethink contract negotiations altogether. So don't push it, lady.

Talks re: Nighttime Awakenings are still underway; both parties hope to reach an Amicable Agreement soon.

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