It's been a long week here at Lo. Co., and I'd like to wrap up the week on a positive note by recognizing the following employees for jobs well done:

Most Improved Performance on the Night Shift: N.Lo, tiny hands down. The New Guy has officially moved from the Staff Room down the hall to a transitional workspace and sleeps there all night in his bassinet. Additionally, while I noted earlier this week that our employee was still sleeping in 3 to 4 hour stretches, N.Lo has progressed beautifully on this front, with 6 1/2 hours between feedings on Wednesday night, and a whopping 9 hours between feedings last night. Way to go, N.Lo!

An Oscar Nod goes to: K.Lo, for a clever performance late yesterday afternoon, amping up the tears-and-whine factor, and ending with a terrific fake cough and woe-is-me groan. You nearly destroyed The Manager's normally cool exterior, as it was quite difficult for your audience not to laugh.

Record for Company's Tallest Lego Building held by: J.Lo, our CEO, who entertained both small employees yesterday evening with its construction. Demolished by the K-Zilla Monster later that night, the building was quite a sight while it lasted.

Happy Friday, everyone!

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