Greetings employees,

Our Managerial Staff would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! We rang in the holiday together in a less than ideal fashion, it's true, seeing:

-N.Lo still with a rattly cough
-our CEO still sick
-K.Lo now with the same cold
-N.Lo still sleeping in 3-4 hour stretches, even though he is ready to sleep longer at night
-K.Lo waking in hysterics every few hours, for whatever reason (cough, teething, being K.Lo, etc)
-K.Lo needing a rare middle-of-the-night diaper change
-N.Lo peeing all over the Managerial Staff's bed after his morning feeding
-The Manager a little nuts about it all.

But, our hopes remain high. We wish you, our dear staff, to know on this holiday that, despite recent bouts of frustration from all parties, we like you. You are enjoyable, each of you, and we are most lucky to have you on board.
We expect 2008 to be yet another banner year for our company. Likely we will see:
-K.Lo learning to use the employee rest room
-N.Lo learning to sit up, then crawl, then stand, then walk

-expansion of K.Lo (and even N.Lo's!) vocabulary
-N.Lo eating solid food
-K.Lo learning to ride a tricycle
-K.Lo and N.Lo becoming better work buddies, as N.Lo is brought more and more up to speed
-N.Lo's Baptism
-professional staff photo
-birthdays for all

So, whatever our lows, there are sure to be many, many highs as well. Overall, I as the Manager am proud of our performance thus far and can only approach this New Year with optimism, perseverance, and appreciation. Many thanks to you all, keep up the good work!

The Manager

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1 peanuts:
  1. ashley says:

    Look at K. Lo's hair! She's getting to be such a big girl! Happy New Year to the Lo. Co.! :)