Every Friday evening, the CEO escapes our office (and The Other Office) to play beach volleyball. This year, he took over the job of collecting team fees, and is keeping the money in an envelope, zipped up in his backpack, which sits downstairs in the Media Room. Earlier today, while I was working one-on-one in the Conference Room with The New Guy, K.Lo disappeared and became very quiet. Unless it's the Night Shift or Afternoon Break, quiet employees are suspect employees. Moments later, K.Lo returns to the Conference Room with an absolutely giant pile of cash, which she gleefully deposited onto the Conference Room table. She had managed to transport all $305 from the backpack envelope, up the stairs, and across the kitchen, with a gleam in her eye that only a fat payout can inspire. Not surprisingly, she was most unhappy when the cash pile was confiscated; though, I admit that I, too, could see the appeal in playing with a mountain of bills.
4 peanuts:
hehehehehehe! Our employee is also suspect when quiet times occur in long stretches.... remind me to tell you of the diaper liner incident someday...sigh...
Here at the Seminary, we would consider this employee an extremely valuable asset. It would be appropriate to title her as the Aggressive Fundraiser or Director of Advancement; not too many employees possess the Acquisitions Skillsets necessary to identify, plan, and acquire the annual funds needed to run a company or corporation on a daily basis (esp. one that has recently acquired a new employee). Some hands-on training might still be needed, but overall, that kind of dedication and foresight demonstrated in a relatively young employee should be rewarded. Perhaps a merit increase might be possible?!
Maybe K. Lo should be transferred to the accounting department? Cooking the books can get her hauled off to jail, but only if she doesn't do it well! :)