As an employee, K.Lo is not particularly into tidying up her workspace. She does enjoy taking out all of her office supplies and perhaps stacking them, or putting them into a bag or container. Mostly, though, her main job function is Human Tornado. (I have begun training her, of course, to help with cleanup, to which is sometimes and sometimes not responsive.)

When it comes to the tiny details of cleanup, on the other hand, K.Lo is uber-attentive. For months now, when getting any sort of dog hair or dirt on her hands, she has held out her hands, fingers splayed, and shouted "dirt!" or "stuck!" I tell her to brush it off, literally and figuratively: I have her rub her hands together, or provide a wipe, or wipe it off myself. No big deal. I downplay the issue because it comes up so often, and while it's nice that she wants to be clean, it doesn't need to trigger an employee meltdown.

In spite of all efforts by the Housekeeping Staff, there will always be a layer of dirt and dog hair furnished by the Canine Staff. Luckily, the Housekeeping Staff is pretty flip toward both their job and any employee demands. The Kitchen Staff, on the other hand, is becoming disgruntled with K.Lo's OCE tendencies. Tomato sauce on pasta has been taken off the cafeteria menu because it has "dirt" in it, also known as spices. Rice is tasty, but sticks worse than glue to employee faces and hands. And peanut butter sandwiches are not actually peanut butter sandwiches, but are bread with "something on it," and that something is not good.

Over time, we hope to resolve this conflict between the employee and the Kitchen Staff. In the meantime, the Canine Staff will remain on hand to field all rejected cafeteria menu items.

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1 peanuts:
  1. Andria says:

    so, you have a little Miss Priss on your hands, huh? She doesn't like to get dirty. .Dellaina is like that sometimes, too - overly worried about something being on her hands. I'm with you on the battle with the dog hair and dirt - some days it's just easier to teach them to blow off the food item they have dropped on the floor and continue eating, otherwise, they might not get anything to eat if we had to be super strict and throw away everything that touched the floor. Or leave it for the canine staff, who are always willing and appreciative of the crumbs (or whole meals even).

    I think that's too cute about the PB just being "Somthing on" the bread. Dellaina is the opposite - she loves the PB and will pull the bread apart to get to it and end up with it all over everything.

    It's interesting to think about our own little tendencies with food and how early they might start. . .