Both K.Lo and N.Lo received performance reviews today, earning high marks in all categories. They are growing, and growing well.

K.Lo, though not at all in the mood to hear her standings, measured in at 34 1/2 inches and 31 lbs. A certain amount of strategy had to be employed in obtaining these numbers; for instance, The Manager had to hold the employee while stepping on the scale, and then subtract her own weight. Also, one might have thought K.Lo was being handed a pink slip while receiving a nasal swab vaccine, for all the screaming and carrying on. However, K.Lo behaved much more compliantly while her doll received its own performance review, watching quietly while the doctor checked ears, eyes, and heartbeat.

N.Lo grew 2 1/2 inches and gained about 3 1/2 lbs since his last performance review, measuring 25 1/2 inches and 16 lbs. He complained little throughout the proceedings, with the most dramatic moment, of course, being his shots. New employees, thankfully, are not so aware of the implications behind their performance reviews and are a tad easier to manage.
Overall, Management is most pleased with our employees' progress. Congratulations, team!

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1 peanuts:
  1. Anonymous says:

    NLo is bigger than or at least as big as Ellie!

    What a boy!

    I'm going to start calling him Dozer or Tank.