N.Lo paid a visit to the Company Doctor this morning to receive his Six-Month Performance Review, and as usual, he passed inspection with flying colors. He weighed in at 18 lbs. 4 oz. and measured 26 inches long... Though, the doctor observed that he may not have been an accurate measure, as this length put him in the 33rd percentile, and the employee has never seemed particularly short? Well, who knows.* The Lo. Co. mainly wants to hear that its employees are healthy and productive, and in these matters, N.Lo measures up quite well. He is tackling every assignment appropriate to an employee who's been with a company six months. Now if only we could get him to eat those green beans!

*While notating this review, it occurred to The Manager that it usually takes two people to measure a very small employee, to make sure it's accurate, and the nurse typically requests managerial assistance. However, at this morning's visit, The Manager was busy attending to a certain second employee, one who was convinced she was also there for a Performance Review. That employee, of course, shall remain nameless.  


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1 peanuts:
  1. Andria says:

    woot! what a great-looking growing boy. . that hat makes him look so grown up.
    I am certain the measuring was flawed if it was done without your assistance.