While The Manager Was Out

Both employees:
-enjoyed themselves immensely.
-adhered well to the Company Code of Conduct.
-attended their first baseball game!

-while at the baseball game, ate a hot dog and pickles.
-called someone named Kevin (we know no one named Kevin) on a rubber duck and ordered more pickles for the company cafeteria.
-advised The Regional Manager while riding in the company car to "Go faster!" and that there were "too many hills."
-initially clocked out for Afternoon Break at the same time as N.Lo, then changed her mind, announcing, "This is not my nap day."
-commented re: climbing on a high piece of office furniture, "This is impossible."
-when The RM advised the best way to dislodge a stack of training materials, said, "That's just a suggestion."
-insisted on, as usual, putting on her own uniforms.
-kept barettes in her hair, without The Manager around to be annoyed at her taking them out.
-performed fairly well on the Night Shift.

-looked around at the baseball game and mainly observed, completely unphased by the crowds.
-all but cleaned out the cafeteria's supply of new-hire meals.
-made preliminary strides with crawling, tucking his back legs under and sort of leap-frogging forward.
-while at the park for small Employees, screamed and cheered on his coworker each time K.Lo went down the slide.
-performed exceptionally well on the Night Shift.

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1 peanuts:
  1. Ruby says:

    K.Lo-isms are so fun! "That's just a suggestion" is killing me!