We're experiencing a bit of a backslide, here at The Lo.Co. Another day, another trip to the Twoville Offices. Currently, Managerial frustration and employee discontent are high in the following areas:

-Training in the Employee Rest Room. I'll leave details out of this file, but let me just say that Housekeeping is threatening to strike, and I would not blame them.

-Whining. Hers and mine. Loud, incessant.

-Less than satisfactory levels of productivity on the Night Shift. She clocks in fine, works for several hours on her own, then mid-shift runs into an insurmountable snag. Requires intensive assistance from The Manager and/or CEO for the remainder of her shift.

After some thought on these matters, however, I remembered that for all of this recent backsliding, K.Lo has made at least as many strides. And for all of her strides, for all the ways in which she's shown herself to be a Star Employee, she has only been with the company two years.

Two. That's it. It's not a long time.

So I'm thinking, The Manager really should cut K.Lo a little bit of slack on her projects. Perhaps a little something special in her morning iced coffee would help.

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1 peanuts:
  1. Kurt says:

    My manager used to put Ritalin in my chocolate milk. Just sayin.