This morning our offices received The Call, the one that confirmed K.Lo’s spot in PRESCHOOL, one day a week. Ultimately, until she’s a little older, we’re aiming for two days a week, but we have to see if another spot is going to open up. I’ve resisted the idea of preschool and/or alternate drop-off care for awhile now, mainly due to the CFO’s Iron Fist, and really, our company hasn’t needed it until now. But I believe K.Lo is ready, as am I. Preschool Days will allow The Manager time to catch up on certain projects and paperwork, as well as provide some much-needed calm. For all of us.
And, equally important, it will give K.Lo some interaction with other employees without The Manager close by—an important skill to acquire in all careers. It might be difficult, at first. I admit I’m nervous. But knowing my employee and the social and intellectual skills she’s already got tucked in her back pocket, I’m also excited for her. In addition to new friends, she’ll be exposed to experiences and training exercises her Manager simply can’t provide as well as someone else.
In honor of this momentous occasion, please enjoy a Sesame Street spoof of “High-School Musical.”
how great!!! what day and where...well, email that info... i'm excited for you guys!!!