
*Screaming and running away from N.Lo, hiding behind Managements’ legs.

*Sleeping in the big-girl bed, as opposed to the air mattress on the floor next to the big-girl bed (don’t ask, I have no logical answer).

*Learning to use scissors. Learning not to run with, wave around, or point out facial features with scissors.

*Rubber stamping with alphabet set furnished by m. Likes to say, “I found a T!” Or whatever letter she has just stamped.

*Making “beds” for small stuffed animals, tucking them in, giving them another stuffed animal to hold, as well as a book.

*Carrying around a small ceramic replica of Bender, which she has dropped once, causing her to lose a foot (ironic considering Bender’s surgery earlier this year). “Baby Bender” lives in the highest tower of the Fairy Princess Castle.



*Popping up between Managements’ legs when they’re resting on a coffee table. Smiles big and laughs, as though saying, “Peek-a-boo.”

*Saying “block.” Or is it “book?”

*THROWING! Balls, blocks, books, anything that will fly. Learned with assistance from not-so-wise Manager.

*Standing up by the glass doors, looking out on the world.

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3 peanuts:
  1. Kurt says:

    Good to know that the Fairy Princess Castle is getting plenty of use.

  1. Ruby says:

    Aw, I just smile thinking of N.Lo looking out the door, taking in the world around him.

    Ella has not outgrown the desire to put play babies and stuffed animals 'to bed'. She still does it quite frequently, often times for 'nap.' I love it. :)