K.Lo and N.Lo have both put in requests for sick time, which the managerial staff feels slightly miffed over, as it is the end of the year, i.e. our time to relax and rest a bit during the holiday season. At times, the staff does seem unreasonably demanding. Although, may I also note that the CEO isn't feeling up to par, either, which as a cosmic rule just happens when he takes time off from The Other Job. Ahem.

N.Lo seems to be on the mend from a chest cold picked up last week (I believe) at his 2-month performance review, but continues to have a cough and generally sounds congested. The CEO appears to have picked up the same bug. Bug, on the other hand, picked up a bug of a different variety and woke last night with a fever, projectile on her pillow, and a small case of hysterics.

The night shift featured high levels of separation anxiety, which yielded an interesting juggling act while I attempted to feed N.Lo with one arm, and console K.Lo with the other. Nursing and hugs, hugs and nursing. Adding the AeroBed into the mix proved to be one big managerial mistake of note, as the bed's stability is absolutely not conducive at all to juggling.

K.Lo woke her coworker one more than one occasion, and vice versa, as N.Lo, too, refused to keep noise level to a minimum. My mind visited many managerial dark places, as I recklessly considered executing a full corporate restructure at sunrise, which would have involved permanently moving N.Lo into his own office. I haven't completely tossed this idea to the wayside, but in the clarity and rationality of daylight, I do see that it would be quite an undertaking, with dubious results. Perhaps more on this grand scheme, with all its pros and cons, in the future.

For now, we made it through. The morning looks like this. Let another workday begin.

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6 peanuts:
  1. erin j says:

    Oh you poor guys... though i did have a chuckle at the aerobed... only because i can totally see myself doing the same thing. you are a brave CEO to not have had a nervous breakdown (though maybe you did and are not telling us...) i hope you all feel better soon. eat lots of soup and oj and don't hesitate to call if you need anything.

  1. penelope says:

    thanks! luckily (or unluckily?) i am the only one not sick, so i can take care of all the rest.


  1. Andria says:

    yes, lucky you. you have super powers, I think to contend with all of it.

    wow, N.Lo seems so big - it looks like he's sitting up on his own already, surely that is just an illusion and he's actually propped? But, I know Wyatt wouldn't look that tall if we attempted to prop him - he's still very much a neckless lump and I consider him to be strong and good at holding his head. maybe I'm wrong and we are actually behind the curve. we look to your company to lead the way. . .

  1. penelope says:

    It's totally an illusion, he's propped. But he does have a neck. He was born with a neck, it's the strangest thing. I swear K.Lo didn't have a neck until she was about a year and half? N.Lo is like a little string bean.

  1. ashley says:

    I love the photo. That belligerent look on K.Lo's face. She's not so thrilled with her performance review, I gather?