Attention employees,

As you may already be aware, a new wing in our office building has opened. This wing is called the Black Hole Wing, and I did not order its construction. But there it is. Please be advised that should you find yourself at the door of the Black Hole Wing, do not enter, as you may never, ever return.

Countless small toys and socks, not to mention the blue toothbrush, have been lost to this nefarious pit, most of which I have overlooked, because who has the time. Lately, however, more curious items have disappeared. Among these items are:

a long-sleeved shirt, pink striped
a camera case, containing two spare memory cards and a battery set
small yellow screwdriver, Philips head

For organizational and sanity-related purposes, we run a fairly tight ship around here, in that all items have a home to which they return each night. You can understand, then, that it is most vexing to lose such substantial items to the Black Hole Wing. If any employee should find a listed item or any others that look lost, as in the case of the beige MaryJane shoe rescued from under the bed last month (good work, K.Lo!), please return them to The Manager immediately.

The Manager

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2 peanuts:
  1. Anonymous says:

    I hate that wing. Good luck with the search (and that the toothbrush comes back free of dog hair and other yucky additions).

  1. penelope says:

    Omg, I found the toothbrush! Randomly this morning, I found it behind the changing table. There was a lot of dog hair, but nothing that couldn't be picked off.